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Archive for the ‘Sizzix Dies’ Category

Just Because

Showing some cards just because …

Made the family all Valentine’s cards – firstly is the one I made for Amber, turns out it was her only one … awwww.

Below .. the first card was made for Alex to give to his girlfriend Amy, middle card is Lauren’s.

Last but not least the other was for my DIL to give to my son.

This one was made in one of my classes.




Super Cool Twins

Hubby is on his little jaunt to America which leaves me all the time in the world for … what … do I hear you say … yay crafting!!!

Skyped Dot today and we had another inky messy crafty session (Dot do luv them there inks) and below is what I made, a very sweet looking set of twins.

Mr Cool

Used a stamp from  Stampotique called Topher and Mr Super Cool has nothing on this pair.


Gentleman’s Pen Holder

How guilty do I feel today?  Andrew asked if he could take his pen holder to put on his desk today.

So where does the guilty feeling come from???  I made this 3 months ago and it has been sitting on my desk ever since.  I wouldn’t let hubby take to work until I had photographed it.

Well me and photo taking is still not a match made in heaven but how bad am I to make hubby wait this long?  Shame on ya girl!!!!

Andrew actually brought home the toilet rolls from work for me to make these crafting implement holders for my craft room.  You can see the first one here.

He really liked what I made so asked if I could make one for him.  Cock-a-hoop and thrilled to bits as this was the first thing he has asked me to make specially for him.

It turned out rather well and has the look of leather, just like those expensive pen holders on a Victorian gentleman’s desk.

All done and dusted hunny so you can have it to sit on your desk (sorry)!!!

Pen Holder 1Pen Holder 2Pen Holder 3

I have another one which I want to show as soon as I have taken the pics.

Do you remember Mr Key Box here, well he is nearly finished.  I found this key which I want to put on the front of the box but it needs two holes drilled into the wood and Andrew is waiting for me to tell him where the holes should be!!

Key 1Key
