Happy New Year To Everyone
Just got back from the UK after having such a wonderful Christmas and New Year, only downside, I wasn’t able to post anything or really take a good peek at any of your gorgeous creations, even missed my posting for Sentimental Sundays challenge …. good job the other DT girls didn’t …. check out all their adorable creations here.
Apart from having to share …. which I am soooo not used to …. the grandkids PC, kept crashing and my son’s PC is soooo slowwww. Trust me, I was still crafting and will share what I made when I have taken photos.
Another big shocker was coming back to all my e-mails …. still ploughing through them.
The best surprise of all was seeing the new look Let’s Ink It Up page, wow it is stunning.
Suzanne from Just Love Stamping looks after all the behind thingy things and what a superb job she makes of it. Hop over and take a peek, you definitely won’t be disappointed and don’t forget our first challenge of the New Year starts this Sunday …. would really love to see all your creations for this year.
You still have time to enter the LIIU Swap, click here for more details to join.
Once again a Happy New Year to everyone of you and a huge huge thank you to my followers and for all the comments you left on by blog last year, I know how precious your time is and I truly loved reading everything you wrote.
This is a special, special thank you to Fabiola please visit her blog it is beautiful and Irene …. who promises me she will have her blog up and running this year …. watch this space!!!!!