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Stylish Blogger Award

Ooooo this looks fun …. I have been sent this award from two fabulous blogging friends Suzanne and Tameko aww thanks sweeties and now the fun part:

I have to thank and link back to the lovely ladies who awarded this to me …. tick

Share 8 things about myself …. uh oh …. tick

Forward to 8 new friends, recently discovered, contact and tell them about it …. tick

This part is the bit you probably don’t want to read …. here goes ….

  • 1. Not sure if you know it but my grandkids are the bestest ever
    2. Born and bred in the UK but a bit of a nomad in the last few years …. lived in Kuwait for 7 years and now in Ireland
    3. 1 of 9 children – first born girl in the family …. 4 brothers older than me
    4. Not typically English I hate tea with a passion
    5. Hard pushed to say what I love best …. sweets or hubby …. only joking it’s really my dog Penny
    6. Andrew is my second husband …. my mum gave us 6 months …. 28 years ago
    7. Love not working
    8. Last but not least …. I do not die my hair at all
  • I am passing this award onto these lovely ladies:
  • Joanna
  • Tracey
  • Kelly
  • Netty
  • Lisa
  • Claire
  • Ann V
  • Sally


5 Responses to “Stylish Blogger Award”

  1. Claire C says:

    Thanks Shirl, so kind of you 🙂
    Great to find out a little more about you too,
    Claire xx

  2. Joanna K says:

    Thank you so much Shirl! 🙂 Loved reading the cute details about you! hugs xxxx

  3. Annette G says:

    Thank you Shirl for thinking of me that is so kind of you. Great reading about you as well.
    Annette x

  4. Tracey says:

    Thank you so much for thinking of me Shirley 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  5. Kelly says:

    Thank you, Thank you,

    So exciting to receive this. Here I am , taking a quick look at (7.55 am) the blog before we rush off to our son’s tennis. I love reading the things about people. (Very Interesting) Will update my blog later today.
    Thank you, very much appreciated.


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