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Chubby Cheeks

All you want to do with those gorgeous cheeks is pull a little face, shake your head and say in a babyish voice “cooochi coochi coo”!!!


8 Responses to “Chubby Cheeks”

  1. Astrid says:

    Oh they do look rather cuddle, – great tag!

  2. AAAHhhh – they are so sweet – gorgeous tag. Nicola x

  3. Anne R says:

    Such sweet images on your really beautiful tag! Hugs, Anne x

  4. Terry says:

    Oh chubby cheeks is so cute! Love this tag and all it’s sweetness! Enjoy the evening, hugs!

  5. butterfly says:

    Just too adorable… I love your pocketful of cheeky cherubs! Fab embossing and lacy punching…
    Alison x

  6. Silvia says:

    That’s really a lovely tag.

  7. Brenda Brown says:

    So sweet, adorable is a great word or these gorgeous cherubs.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

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